The Shift

Yoga Meditation Breathwork

Find your way back in…

Hello lovely soul,

I want to welcome you to a magic world.

Where you can just feel, move, breath and be.

So you can reconnect with your body and your innerbeing.

The Shift

Yoga Meditation Breathwork

Yoga classes

Move out of your head into your body. Reconnect with your breath, your body and your inner being.

Meditation &


Finding the stillnes and peace within you, that is you.

Wat I have to offer..

Cacao ceremonies

Breathwork &


Working with your breath can transform your body, mind, and your life.

Coming together to experience the magic of the sacred and wise plant medicin of the heart.

Upcoming events and classes

Other events

Vinyasa Yoga and Kundalini Awakening

Date: 30 september

Rocket yoga classes

Gaia House of Yoga Almere

Every friday evening 19:00

Check out their site to book a class.

Vinyasa yoga classes

Gaia House of Yoga Almere

Every Tuesday evening 20:00



Every Monday evening 20:30

Check out their site to book a class.

Check out their site to book a class.

Would you like to have a private cacao ceremony/yoga class?

That is also possible!

Email me for more information or to set a date on:

Yoga uses the body to discipline mind

and to reach the soul.

B.K.S Iyengar

The moving magic of


Yoga means union. It unites our heart, body, mind and spirit, and everything allround us.

Flowing with your body on your breath into the postures, its a great way to get out of your head and into your body.

Its a moving meditation.

And in time it will make you feel more connected and more aware of your mental, physical and energetic body.

It will help you go through all your layers to get to your core.

But yoga is more than just moving in physical postures, the postures , also called asana's in Sanskrit, are actually just one part of the 8 limbs of yoga.

Some other parts are for example Pranayama (breathwork) and Dharana and Dyhana (focus and meditation). We will also work with this in the classes. This will help you to live more in harmony and balance. So you can become the best and strongest version of yourself.

Yoga classes

Rocket Yoga

If you like to be challenged, and strengthen not just your mind but also your body. This yoga style is perfect for you! Rocket Yoga comes from the Ashtanga Yoga, that are ancient sequneces of yoga postures. So here we are using modern vibrations with ancient yoga wisdom. To strengthen and cleanse the body, and improve your whole wellbeing.

Yin Yoga

Yin yoga is very calming, this is a more slow yoga, and you will stay longer in the postures so you can go deeper into you body, and into your muscle tissues. Here you can release everyhting thats stuck in your body, like tensions and emotions. This is also a great way to go within, reconnect, feel your body and just be.

Vinyasa Flow

In the vinyasa yoga we are flowing on our breath through the yoga postures. It is also an active yoga, so here you will also find some challenge. You will develop more flexibility and strenght in your body and your mind, in a flowing and playfull way. It will also bring more peace in your head, you will grow more awareness and live more in the present moment.

The only way out, is the way in.


The quieting magic of

meditation &


Meditation and mindfulness? Is there a diffrence between those two? Yes there is!

With mindfulness you are mostly focussing on something,

maybe your body or your breath, but with meditation it is effortless. You dont have to focus on anything, you just

become the observer of your innerworld, without judgement.

There are many benefits with meditation and mindfulness.

It will bring you more(self) awareness, better focus,

and it can help with anxiety, stress and depression.

And in time it will help you not to get so sucked into the drama of your mind. Because you are not your thoughts and you are not your feelings, you are the experiencer of those thoughts and feelings.

You start to obeserve it more and can create space between you and wat you are experiencing. It will deepen and enrich your relationship with yourself and life. It might not always be an easy road but I find it one of the most wonderful and rewarding journeys ever.

The transforming magic of

Breathwork &


Prana means “life force” and “ayama” means “controlling”, so it’s controlling your life force, or also breath.

One of the great ways to transform your energy, your body and your mind can be with breathwork. Just by working with your breath you can calm your whole system down, give yourself an energy boost, release emotional blockages, clearing and releasing toxins and give clarity of mind.

For example by doing the calming breath excercises your breath will be slower, so your heart rate will slow down and you will activate the parasympathic system. This calms your nervous system and so also your mind.

The more energizing breathwork can give you a boost of energy, to your body and your mind, your heartbeat willl beat a bit faster wat gives a better circulation of the blood and more oxygen in the rest of your body. And it will improve the lung and the heart functions.

The difference between breathwork and pranayama is, with breathwork you are just working with your breath. And with pranayama you are working with your breath and your bandha's (energy locks in your body). By doing pranayama you will increase and preserve the life force that is within you.


The subtle magic of

Cacao is the plant medicin of the heart, the body and the soul.

Originally its called Theobroma Cacao, wat means 'the food of the Gods', and it is seen as a divine gift of nature. Because it can do such great inner work and cacao has many healthy nutrients, just like serotonin, PEA and a high concentration of magnesium, anti oxidants, and many other minerals and vitamines.

Cacao can be a great adding to your road of self development.

It can help you connect deeper within yourself, your heart

and your emotional body.

In the cacao ceremonies you can take this time for yourself

and go within, feel wat there needs to be felt,

and let go wat you don’t need anymore.

Cacao can be a very gentle, loving, motherly and uplifting energie, with a lot of wisdom that you can receive.

Everyone can have a different experience, because the plant gives you wat it is you need.

Hello lovely fellow souls, I welcome you from my heart, and I am happy you are here. My name is Lindsay Mackintosh, and one of the things that I like to do the most is knotting myself up, and moving, breathing and being on my yoga mat and meditation cushion. Once i started with yoga, I found my way to go back within, and started this beautiful and sometimes tough journey, I started to reconnect more with myself, and my heart. And started to live way more aware of everything, my body, my mind and life itself. Ive learned (and am still learning) many wonderful tools along the way. This has brought me so much joy, innerpeace, love and growth, that I would like to share this with you. So it might help you too, on your journey within, where you can get to know the real you. And find the magic in life, that is allready inside of you, that actually is you!

My mission is too pass on this beautiful ancient yoga wisdom from, among others, the Veda's, the Yoga Sutra's and the Bhagavad Gita. I think its so important for us as humans to live consciously, to get to know your-Self, and love yourself. To really get to the core of yourself, and live from there. Because when you work on yourself and do your practise it will not just be good for you, it will have a good effect on the rest of the world too. So lets work on a better world, by working on ourselves.

Get to know the teacher and her mission…

Past studys:

-Ashtanga, Vinyasa and Yin yoga TTC 100h

Yoga Bliss, Bali.

-Ashtanga first series TTC 200 h,

AYA academy, Netherlands.

-Ashtanga second series TTC 100 h

AYA academy Netherlands.

-Rocket yoga TTC 150h

Rocket Yoga Academy, Netherlands.

*Meditation TTC 50h

Arhanta Ashram, Netherlands. (doing now)

*Breathwork & Pranayama TTC 50h

Arhanta Ashram, Netherlands. (doing now)

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The shift yoga

Find your way back in...

The Shift

Yoga Meditation Breathwork